Poster Image

Cool Air Hangs Quiet


Item#: 2020SYR05

Purchase Details

11x17-inches, printed on heavy weight (100-pound) Hammermill cover paper. We package each print with a piece of chipboard in a clear plastic sleeve.

You also receive…

An information page with photos of the artist and poet, and hand-written comments from each.

Medium- and large-format posters are available by custom order. Contact us for details.

Poem Inspiration Location

Cool Air Hangs Quiet

poster information


cool air hangs quiet
sleepy morning reflections
Onondaga Lake

Onondaga Lake is a found poem. Her waters offer an invitation to take a moment and watch her surface change. I try to imagine her secrets—the Native Nations who fished here, picnickers who decades later sprawled on her shores for a day of play. I am in awe of Onondaga's heritage. The word pictures that come to my mind flood me with images I share with others in poetry and stories. This connection, a kind of being-in-community with the sure, strong path of nature, grounds me. It is a base I can always count on, and feel very much an integral part. Living in Central New York offers seasons which give me endless chances to write about change. Creating haiku pinpoints this experience and helps me search for just the right word.

The haiku I selected immediately evoked an image of morning, one of my favorite times of day. I love to sit outside and watch the sun come up. There is a deep peace in the silence of a pre-dawn morning. As the sun comes closer to rising, the birds begin to wake and sing. The sky turns from deep indigo to pink and lighter blue. It is often still, and if you are by the water it is a time when there are mirror-like reflections.

I love the outdoors and I try to convey that love in my art. I believe that if I can communicate my feelings about nature to others, they will be inspired to love the landscape as well. Onondaga Lake is a jewel in the crown of Syracuse. I am honored to have the chance to showcase its beauty.