Poster Image

Spiritual Growth


Item#: 2018SYR08

Purchase Details

11x17-inches, printed on heavy weight (100-pound) Hammermill cover paper. We package each print with a piece of chipboard in a clear plastic sleeve.

You also receive…

An information page with photos of the artist and poet, and hand-written comments from each.

Medium- and large-format posters are available by custom order. Contact us for details.

Spiritual Growth

poster information


Spiritual growth
Experience, strength and hope
That's why we are here

My haiku was inspired by my spiritual journey. Our faith communities provide a wellspring of knowledge, growth and human connection for all of us. A small group of friends at Park Central helped guide me to a new path. They showed me how to live a life without loss, but with choice. Instead of lies and shame, I learned to live in grace and humility. My friends helped me to look at myself honestly and gently, and allowed me to reveal my hidden self. They taught me to pause, breathe, and let things flow naturally. I am forever grateful for the freedom and joy of living each day fully present.

I'm from Syracuse, NY, born and raised. I read the poem, speaking of spiritual growth, and remembered a lot of past experiences that I had overcome. I did not want to be reminded of, nor did I make the piece about those experiences, but of how I felt afterward, after going through a lot of hardships. What does it feel like to be set free from the limitations of before, and to transform into your new self, still being truly you? It's a glow inside, an explosion of light and hope. So beyond yourself, but still conscious and accepting of yourself as well. Many never get to feel that feeling, and I hope to help others on their own journey, as I am always continuing my own.