Poster Image

Cold Beer and Guitars


Item#: 2016SYR02

Purchase Details

11x17-inches, printed on heavy weight (100-pound) Hammermill cover paper. We package each print with a piece of chipboard in a clear plastic sleeve.

You also receive…

An information page with photos of the artist and poet, and hand-written comments from each.

Medium- and large-format posters are available by custom order. Contact us for details.

Poem Inspiration Location

Cold Beer and Guitars

poster information


Cold beer and guitars
Tattoos and motorcycles
Welcome to Blues Fest

Syracuse hosts several festivals throughout the summer season and the best of these—without a doubt—is Blues Fest. It's the perfect excuse—on a warm summer evening—to climb on my bike and cruise downtown, hang with friends, have a cold beer, and listen to some great live music.

I've been playing in classical rock and rhythm 'n blues bands most of my life. My current band—The Degenerators—features the best musicians and greatest guys in general that I've ever had the pleasure to perform with. It's this combination of musicianship and personality that makes the whole band experience so rewarding. C'mon out and hear us sometime. Who knows, maybe one of these summers we'll get an opening gig at Blues Fest.

I like to play with shapes and color and texture, and that's what I tried to incorporate in my poster. First, I started by drawing a sketch. Once my sketch was finalized I scanned it into the computer so that I could do the line work digitally. After that I applied hand done water color textures to give it a rustic feeling. My favorite part of my poster is the area around the sound drum of the guitar where I played with repeating lines, circles, and roses to create a graphic pattern. I'm specifically happy with this area of my poster because I believe that the different elements that I used work well together and create a nice flow throughout the piece. In addition to that I also added a skull with wings to add some rough elements that would contrast the “pretty” floral imagery to create the relationship of soft vs. hard.