Peter Allen

contributor to 2 posters

  • Unconcerned About


    Unconcerned About

    Our attention is constantly diverted and directed towards tasks and activities dictated by our society. I think it is too easy for us to lose sight of our surroundings.

    And what wonderous surroundings are available to us in Central New York, there is a continuous mix of the natural world and the human creation. I enjoy the experience of all of it.

    I was thinking about the connection, or lack of connection we have with these two spheres when I was writing this haiku.

  • An anthropomorphized fox playing saxophone against the side of a building as a sudden rain sends others inside for shelter


    Bright Sunlight Switches

    We do our best to take advantage of the wealth of enjoyable opportunities available to us in Central New York. But sometimes, the weather has plans of its own. And still, we try.

    I wrote this following a particularly abrupt weather event at an outdoor concert last summer. Instead of dwelling on the disappointment, I decided to try to express the event in a haiku.