Jake Penman

contributor to 1 poster

  • A Spring Breeze Still Cold


    A Spring Breeze Still Cold

    I chose this haiku because I feel like it speaks to the kind of person I am, or at least the kind of tonality that I like to illustrate in my work. I really enjoy drawing trees, life, and images of nature. A lot of the work I do is in pen and ink, and a lot of natural structures—branches, roots, and trunks—do very well in pen and ink. I feel like the complexity of the roots is visually similar to cardiac vessels or streams running through hills. It's just the way the line moves between, like if you're following a river downstream, or if you're following a tree branch from a trunk's base—it's very similar. Whatever is causing that similarity is what I try to get at, not just visually, but emotionally.