Jacquelyn Jouvenal

contributor to 1 poster

  • 2004 Poster: Old Canal Waters


    Old Canal Waters

    I enjoyed the poet's word choice and thought I was able to capture the mood at the fountains that the poet described. I remember coming to Syracuse my freshman year, and going downtown and seeing the fountains, and thinking what a beautiful space it was, because it was just so vast and open.

    Originally, I thought I should incorporate something about the old canal, and how it used to flow through here. Then I thought I would prefer seeing a figure in the present day space, in a thinking pose, contemplating something in front of the fountains. I have her holding a handbag just to show that she's been walking along, and stopped from her everyday routines, in front of the fountains, to take a moment to think. I guess she's contemplating history and the town and how things change and evolve.