Audia Denton

contributor to 3 posters

  • Sensuous Summers


    Sensuous Summers

    I've been involved with the Poster Project since 2004. Back then one could submit up to five haiku, so I decided to do one per season. The summer haiku was about music and the wonderful summer concert series that Syracuse puts on. Although I was thinking about music in general, the Blues is one of my favorite genres and the Jazz Fest is one of the biggest concerts in the summertime.

    I couldn't have written a poem about the music scene here in Syracuse and not mentioned jazz or blues.

  • 2005 Poster: Sitting in the Square


    Sitting in the Square

    I was envisioning Hanover Square when I wrote this, sometime during late summer. I pictured a very warm, not sultry, summer's afternoon, sitting without a care in the world.

    I'm not a big coffee drinker but I love flavored coffee—hazelnut is my favorite; and I like people watching. I find the most interesting people are those who own their uniqueness, be that their style of dressing, physical appearance or mannerism.

    I've lived in areas where the climate stays warm much longer than here, even year around. Maybe that's why the idea of outdoor cafes appeal to me.

  •  Bountiful Orchards


    Bountiful Orchards

    This is my ode to autumn. Fall is one of my favorite seasons; you don't have the strong heat of summer, it's before bone-chilling winters, and it's not as rainy as spring. It's harvest time, time to reap the land. If a seed was put in the ground, water it, and we get rewarded with the food we need to sustain our lives. Thank you, Mother Earth. Thank you for being so kind to us.